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Old 09-09-2005, 01:22 PM
jnalpak jnalpak is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Fraggle Rock
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Default Re: Putting Coke in Freezer to cool faster?

Somehow I seem to attract people who love to argue over whether a soda can will in fact get cold quicker if you put it into the freezer instead of the fridge. After having just listened to two of my friends basically scream at each other for almost an hour and not come up with a more nuanced argument than "it does" " it doesn't" I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some science to shut them up.

I'm familliar with google, I did several searches and found nothing of note.

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this is kind of tough to do so bear with me:
you need the following:
2 cans of coke
2 thermometers
1 stop watch type thing

put the cans in the fridge and freezer at the same time..hit the start or go button on the stop watch and then after said time take them out and put the thermometers in them....

i cant believe i just wasted my time writing this
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