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Old 09-08-2005, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: Why did Jesus die for us?

Christians will tell you how it shows God's sacrifice for our sins, yadda yadda yadda. But does any Christians ever think this: What was the huge sacrifice that Jesus really made? He died painfully on a cross? Okay, as did many others through history. But those others didn't know they were going to rise from the dead and rule in heaven for all eternity. So, what was the big deal? I mean THINK about it. You are Jesus. You know that you are the Son of God and just inhabiting an earthly form. You know the time on earth is nothing because you come from Heaven and are going back to Heaven. Why should a few hours of pain mean anything to you? It's like you have everything you could ever want, and yet have to put it aside for a few minutes and go native, then have everything again. Wow, what a sacrifice. Even simple things like these questions show the absurdity of the "faith".
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