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Old 09-08-2005, 12:38 PM
Nicholasp27 Nicholasp27 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 93
Default Re: ICM/SNGPT rambling thoughts(long)

exactly...u don't know...and neither does ICM...which is why u have to use JUDGEMENT to decide

my example was saying that u would pass up a +.2 for a +.5 if the fold/push was more total ev than push/whatever is...

thus there are times when it's better to pass up the +.2 edge...some are saying if u put in the right inputs into ICM and the model is accurate, then you should not pass up +.2 because there are no other important factors

i'm saying there are other important example shows the outcome of how the factors made going against ICM's vacuum hand a good it's up to us to decide what those factors are and how to account for them and thus incorporate ICM into our arsenal without using it as gospel
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