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Old 09-08-2005, 12:11 PM
DougShrapnel DougShrapnel is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 55
Default Coverting to Atheism or Becoming Bright

At some point in the near future reason will win out over superstition, and a xtian, or other religious person, will lose thier faith and will be LOST. I would like to help those who want to break away from the need for a God. I don't really know how yet perhaps you can help.

Meaning - Without a God, there is no meaing for life.

Worth - The uncoditional love the God gives means you are worthy.

Morals - The idea of absolute morality comes from God. How does one know of the actions to take if there is no GOd?

Prayer - Prayer is very beneficial to the religous. How can the benefits of prayer be maintained.

Commaraderie/Belongingness - A scence of belonging to a Chruch and society as a whole

Afterlife - Worm feed, possiblity of hell?

Ephemeralness - The span of life, and the deacy of works.

Forgiveness - How does one confess and recieve forgiveness,

Justice - God will make sure that the evil doers are punished.

Freewill - If we are just animals we have no free will.

Strength - Much strength is derived from unswaying belief.

Suffering - God has a plan.

Raising Children - One of the legitimizers of religion

Death/others - They are no longer in a better place.

Family - Dealing with family

Self - Part of ones identity is religion.

Aloneness - Mankind has always sensed that he cannot stand alone. That mysterious forces will not let him alone, but affect him at every step. He has known that he must stand alongside the gods, the kings or queens amongst them, or with the one imaginative being that brought the whole thing into existance.

Thats all i can think up now. Any ideas?
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