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Old 09-08-2005, 06:01 AM
wackjob wackjob is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 50
Default 10/20 v 5/10 (semi-whine)

I have just under 15K hands of 10/20 at Party now. I played about 10K at Absolute some time back and did well(didn't have PT at the time, but was winning at a decent rate from manual tracking).
I have 50K+ of 5/10 at Party in the last 3 months where I am fairly solid running around 1.9-2.2BB/100.
My 10/20 stats are very close to my 5/10 stats, no single stat is more than 1 point different, yet I have struggled since about my first 2K hands to stay at break even. I know for a fact I have had some really bad swings, awful luck, lots of bad beats (whine, piss, moan etc).

Playing 10/20 over the last 8K or so hands I find that I don't ever have a solid, grind it out session. I have either big wins or big losses. I either get trampled to death by the lags & fish or I crush everyone. To me this implies that I am relying on luck & not skill, though I am confident my game is superior to the average 10/20 player at Party. Playing 5/10 I have countless sessions where I grind out 5-20BB, but the monster 50-100BB win/loss sessions are few and far between, whereas that is the only way I am winning/losing at 10/20.

Can the 10/20 game be so different or am I just pissing and moaning because I am amidst a 10K+ downsing?
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