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Old 09-07-2005, 09:01 PM
udontknowmickey udontknowmickey is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 38
Default Re: Another Question For Not ready

It sounds like you're running through Romans 9 again.

Justice is defined by who God is and what He does. We have no claim to question God in saying that we think His actions are injust.


Replace evil with anything else that is a "thing."

The creation of tornadoes is good
the creation of Hitler is good
the creation of Pilate is good.
the creation of a fallen human race is good.

You're avoiding the point.

If you can claim that there exist contradictory (to us) things in the Bible that we can affirm at the same time, why aren't we justified by faith alone AND faith and works? Why can't we say Jesus is the only way AND Buddah can get you to heaven too... The possibilities are endless.

The instant you deny the right application of logic to Christianity, you deny all the foundational truths you stand for.

Even the WCF, which you said you hold on to (with some reservations) says it clearly 1:6

"1:6 The whole counsel of God, concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man’s salvation, faith, and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture"

emphasis added. If you deny that we can apply logic to all of Scripture, why not deny the trinity, after all, it isn't explicit in the Bible. Why not deny Scripture's infallibility? It isn't explicitly in the Bible.

By the way, "human responsibility" isn't in the Bible either.

NotReady, my beef isn't with you. I will still affirm that you are a brother in Christ, and I admire your willingness to continue to dialogue with the 2+2 community, especially on such a volitile topic, but I do take issue when I feel like God is being poorly represented, and I feel the claims of "mystery" and "paradox" applied to God are exactly that.

I do hope that God would convict you that it is absolutely necessary to use logic in application to everything Scripture says. There is nothing wrong with God being the author of sin.
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