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Old 09-07-2005, 06:48 PM
Dominic Dominic is offline
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Default Re: Best episode ever. Of any show.

St. Elsewhere - the one where Boomer's wife dies in a car accident and her heart gets transplanted into another woman by Dr. Craig - who then has to tell Boomer what happened.

2 monents stick out in my mind:

After they've transplanted the heart and are wrapping things up, Dr. Craig asks one of the nurses to read the name of the donar, as a small honor. When they hear the name of their collegue's wife, they freeze.

The other moment - which to me is my favorite in all of episodic television - is when Boomer goes to see the unconscious woman who now has his wife's heart. He walks in among the ICU equipment, careful not to disturb anything and sits beside her for a second, looking lost.

He then leans down and softly places his ear against the woman's chest so that he can hear his wife's heart beating just one last time.


Makes me blubber like a Red Sox fan after last year's World Series. Strangle enough, St. Elsewhere also took place in Boston....hmmm........
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