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Old 09-07-2005, 11:31 AM
Piers Piers is offline
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Default Re: txaq007\'s Inescapable Error

Correspondingly, I can KNOW God with out being able to JUSTIFY that claim of knowledge to others.

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What ‘you’ are saying is largely OK. The point you are not mentioning is that the feeling of certainty is an emotion. You become certain of something due to some trigger in you brain switching, the trigger need have no correlation with rational thought.

Certainty is a trick the mind plays on you on order to ease decision-making.

I am completely certain that Jesus Christ was not resurrected. I would never let the possibility that Jesus Christ might have been resurrected affect any action I might take. However rationally I accept that there is a non-zero chance that he might have been resurrected. I see no contradiction here. You can call me close minded, but then you are agreeing that being closed minded is part of the way human thinking works.

He is claiming 100% certainty. While at the same time admitting there is not 100% proof. While at the same time claiming that he is not close minded.

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txaq007, just admit your close minded, and we can all go home. Don’t worry you’ve in good company.

I am not well versed in mathematical proofs, so I am wondering from others on the site if there are indeed mathematical certainties that cannot be proved.

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I think it would be normal to define a mathematical certainty as something that can be proved mathematically; so no unless you cheat.

However the use of certainty as regards mathematical proof, and the use of certainty in describing human feelings are too different definitions of the word. If you treat them as one you just confuse yourself, I present this thread as evidence.
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