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Old 09-06-2005, 11:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Was This A Good or Bad Gigabet-Wannabe Play?

This is a great example of why flaming is so counter-productive: it discourages innovation and productive, outside-of-the-box thinking. This thinking is sometimes, probably even often, wrong, but that doesn't mean it is useless and it certainly doesn't mean it should be flamed. Giga's "Gigabet Dilemma" post was probably the single most mind-blowing thing I have ever read about poker. I know I'm far from fully comprehending everything that's going on there, I can tell that OP is as well, but at least he is trying. Virtually everyone flaming him and calling him a "moran", ironically, seems not even to understand what he was trying to do. He may have made a bad play, but he is trying new things, thinking differently, opening himself up to criticism, and a year from now, he will probably be a better player than most of those attacking him for his very willingness to discuss this play publicly in the first place. In the long run, he is the winner, and you guys are the losers.

Keep posting, Kramer, and keep experimenting. I like what you are trying to do. If you're interested, I tried to salvage something productive from all of this in this thread.
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