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Old 09-06-2005, 03:03 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default A Crash Course In Not Knowing What You\'re Talking About

Cyrus, the original thread was itself quite convoluted and difficult. The second thread took everything out of context; therefore, to try to explain everything ALL OVER AGAIN, and without benefit of proper context, would have been ridiculous.

Worse yet still, the second thread ADDED NOTHING. NO new ideas; just rehash and requests for explanations ALREADY PROVIDED. There was no new discussion or points made in the new thread by DVaut1. He just itemized things out of context and requested explanation, but those explanations had been provided at length in the first thread. In short, the second thread added NOTHING AT ALL.

The place for the second thread was in the first thread, where it now resides. Go and wade through that entire thread if you feel like some masochism today. But it is not fair to ask someone to explain everything ALL OVER AGAIN and out of context, when full explanations are to be found in the original thread, in proper context. Those explanations and discussions were taxing enough so I don't see a need to repeat it all just for the hell of it.

It's not like DVaut1 added ANYTHING to the second thread: it's just a rehash, and moreover, it's a rehash out of context which is designed to be a bit misleading in my opinion.

Well, you know where to find that post and thread. Have at it if you care to, but please read the whole damn thing before commenting.