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Old 09-06-2005, 02:12 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 241
Default Re: Should You Quit Your Day Job? — Part II well.... im stupid

"Look at David Sklansky's post. He wrote: "If you have an IQ above 130, know how to do probability problems, are not psychologically challenged, and you read all our books and this website, you have a better than 50% chance of being able to grind out at least $1000 at least a week."

About 3% of the population has an IQ of 130 or higher.

Less than half of the wannabes with that IQ have all the other criteria he listed.

The remaining 1-2 percent have only "better than a 50% chance" of making at least $1,000 per week,"

My words can not be used to argue your position that strongly. Three reasons:

1. A decent percentage of those I named will make a lot more than $1000 a week.

2. An IQ as low as 115, along with the other attributes, has a reasonable chance, perhaps 25%, of success.

3. None of the helpful attributes are as strong an indicator of success as past success. Anyone who is more than three standard deviations above their required hourly rate in day to day typical grinding games or multiple online games (including sitn gos) is well above 50% to continue along this path unless games start getting significantly worse.
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