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Old 09-06-2005, 01:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: RESULTS

Hey, I certainly don't think that Im one of the best players on 2+2, or even one of the better ones. I just meant that I'm not some total newb whose really out of line.

As for Toms post:
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

636,977,088 games 1.171 secs 543,959,938 games/sec


equity (%) win (%) tie (%)
Hand 1: 45.4808 % 40.38% 05.10% { 55+, ATs+, KQs, AJo+ }
Hand 2: 54.5192 % 49.42% 05.10% { AKs }

To me this is a little more realistic, but that's just quibbling over a small 4% EV difference. The real issue is whether or not it's worth it in a tournament to put your whole stack at risk with only small edges in your favor.

Mike, your line is 100% right in money games, I just feel that in tournies since you only have 1 shot and can't rebuy, protecting your chips becomes more important. For example, if you had the chance to put your money allin as a 51% favorite in the first hand of the tourney, would you take it? I feel that you have more equity waiting for a better spot. Obviously there is a line somewhere, and often somewhere later on in the tourney I will make this call. Usually only when The blinds force me to do so, though. It's tough to win more than 1-2 coinflips in any given tourney.
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