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Old 09-05-2005, 09:36 PM
cadillac1234 cadillac1234 is offline
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Default Small List of People Who Did Kick Ass in Katrina\'s Wake

-US Coast Guard and Army Corps of Engineers- Bravo guys. You did your jobs and didn't wait for a formal invitation to do it

-State of Texas My favorite whipping boys stepped up to the plate and showed some real balls and compassion

-Wal-Mart- Sent in supplies to stricken areas before FEMA even got their trucks moving. BTW they were #2 on my personal hate list before Katrina

-Salvation Army and local church groups-Instead of figuring out their telethon schedules they were helping victims immediately

-Hilton Hotels Sending in supplies and paying for private security and transport for their guests. Talk about customer service

-NOLA PD, FD and the Hospital Staff- Despite their MIAs no one should ever go through what they had to go through. I doubt they'll ever be able to work again

Fox News- They had the best coverage and Sheppard Smith actually had the balls to tell it like it was and stand up to Hannity's nonsense.

Anderson Cooper- This guy is a badass and helped get the message out that the Feds were doing nothing

-Private citizens in the Gulf Coast that decided saving their fellow man was more important than worrying about their possessions

2+2's Zulu King- Gave me faith that someone still cares

US Military- When they were finally allowed to act they did exactly what we knew they could, did it quickly and efficiently. The next DHS and FEMA directors need to be a hardass military colonel or general

Finally that vast majority of all the victims that did what they could to survive and didn't take advantage of others misfortunes.

I'm sure there are many, many more but it's soo easy to lose track of the good people with so much coverage of the incompetence and the dirt balls.

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