Thread: Is it normal...
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Old 09-05-2005, 04:41 PM
jthegreat jthegreat is offline
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Default Re: Is it normal...

Well, first off, I do understand the differences between O8 and hold em and how some hands don't hold up nearly as well, etc... I'm just tired of them NEVER holding up. lol As far as making it too expensive to draw to a boat, I AM, but they still always call and win way more often than they should. That part of it has to just be variance.

Slowly I'm picking out things that I don't understand. Like, for instance, I've found that I nearly always have to bet small into a flush draw in order to be able to draw. If I check, it's nearly always checked around to someone who bets big and makes it so that I don't have the odds to draw. Is betting into your draws standard in PLO8 or what? It's the only way I've found that works.
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