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Old 09-05-2005, 03:57 PM
TexArcher TexArcher is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 134
Default How To Deal With Bad Beats?

I'm no stranger to bad beats and freakish fluctuations in the law of averages, it's just part of the game, what I want to know is what you do to counteract those runs?

I hit another such run the past couple of weeks, I'm talking awful, couldn't flop a set or hit a draw to save my life, and even the made hands were getting cracked by 2 to 5 outers on the river. I'll only give one example here: Got all-in and called on 6-handed NL cash on the turn with quad 9's, beautiful, right? Yeah, if the board isn't 9c Jd 4s 9d and villain doesn't call with Qd 8d and if the 10d doesn't hit the river...

So when it's running awful for you, how do you generally respond? Do you play more hands and try to let the law of averages work itself out? Do you take a day or two off and come back fresh and not feeling like the cards owe you a break or two? Do you change sites or game sizes for a while?

My general answer is to play extra hands at the same stakes or even drop down a level if it's really running awful, and if tilt is starting to affect my play, to walk away for a couple of days and come back. Anyone got any better answers...
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