Thread: Is it normal...
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Old 09-05-2005, 11:47 AM
jthegreat jthegreat is offline
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Posts: 27
Default Is it normal...

to have to fold a gajillion flops in a night? I've been getting killed lately in PLO8 and I'm HOPING that a large part of it is just variance.

Most of my flushes are losing to rivers pairing the boards... and that's if I can even hit the flush in the first place. As I was typing that sentence, I just lost another pot that same way. Unreal. Also had sets lose to people going all-in on draws and hitting them all the time, etc... You get the idea.

So just how much variance should I be experiencing? It just seems like I rarely flop flush draws, can't always play them when I do, and things like that. I'd always heard that O8 was LESS swingy than holdem but it's been the exact opposite for me. It's been ridiculously bad, to be honest.

So I guess I'm just looking for some kind of confirmation that it's normal to play 20-25% of hands and yet fold just about every flop.... normal to have suited aces rarely make a flush, etc... I'm really at the point where I just can't take it anymore unless it changes.
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