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Old 09-05-2005, 04:17 AM
jaxmike jaxmike is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 636
Default Re: A couple of months more to run on their contract

There is no use hiding it any more.

Wogga, Jaxmike, W00lly and a number of others are at the pay of liberals and are posting here with the sole purpose of embarassing the conservative cause.

They are doing a fine job but we do not plan to renew their contracts after they run out in December. Then, they are free agents and you can hire them, if you want.

Their office is right outside the El Cortez.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you were even half as intelligent as me I would really be impressed at your ignorance. As it is, I am sad for your mental handicap.

You make yourself and the rest of your socialist ilk look like a fool. You can't even read a map. I love your ignorant responses to me, you know, the ones telling me about what the map means, but yet, when you read it, it doesn't mean what you said it meant. Gosh, you really are a nice joke to have around.

Furthermore, you were out of line including me with those racists. I suggest you get on meds or something. Possibly get a tutor. I know you are in school, how are your grades in clown college this year anyway?
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