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Old 09-03-2005, 05:38 PM
Arnfinn Madsen Arnfinn Madsen is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
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Default My personal theory of what went wrong in NO

I might be wrong since I don't know too much about how the American society is organized, but what I know is that at other natural disasters like the tsunami etc., the American military and the American non-governmental organisations have responded quickly and contributed much. However, the civilian government, like FEMA, has not been major part of those operations. Maybe FEMA as organisation thus lacked the sort of "managing in chaos"-experience that other organisations possess. After all, it seems like everything went better when the military overtook more of the real control. I am absolutely sure that the American military or the American Red Cross/International Red Cross would be able to get supplies in quicker if they would be in charge (they get food to Africa and Asia quicker).
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