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Old 09-03-2005, 12:34 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 241
Default Re: The Irony of Being Vegetarian For \"Moral\" Reasons and Dogs

"If an animal wants to have all rights due to humans, then it must abide by all normal human laws. I don't relish trying to prosecute lions for antelope murder, nor do I think it is feasible to try and force a wolf to be a vegan. If you are so gung ho on animal rights, then shouldn't all lions be stopped?"

Seems like a good argument. But what about if an animal simply doesn't want to be tortured unless there is much to be gained from it? Most animals DO abide by that law. And a few humans don't. Is a pet poodle's life worth more than an incurably mentally ill person who would hurt people for fun if he was let out of the hospital? You would sure get into a lot more trouble if you murdered him.
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