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Old 09-03-2005, 12:12 AM
eastbay eastbay is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default Re: Card Player Article: The End Is Coming

eastbay- Well, obviously, among people who are good at poker poker is the answer to that question is poker.

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And how much effort does it take to get good at poker? Not as much as it takes to get good at something else which pays comparably.


And easier? I think not. You've had a regular job, right?

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I've had jobs from dishwashing to being in charge of large, extremely complex and technical engineering projects and everything in between (driving a delivery truck, retail sales, paving roads, lawn and garden, short order cook, teacher, research assistant, and a few others I can't even remember any more.)

Dollar for dollar, poker is far and away the easiest thing I've ever done. By a longshot.


The vast majority of regular jobs are jokes. No mental energy expended. Much less stress. Health insurance, 401ks, stability... Those things have utility. Lots of it.

40 hours of poker is 40 hours of work. 40 hours on the clock is like 15 hours of actual work.

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Poker is a card game. It's hardly work.

Oh, and I still have a regular job. I keep it for the stability you mention, but I certainly pay a price for that stability. Answering to a boss, keeping strict hours, traveling when I'm required to, preparing endless reports, presentations, budgets, dealing with conflicts between employees. All this stuff is a major pain in the ass compared to playing a silly card game.

Again, if you can find me something that pays as well as poker and is easier, that I can come at cold and be successful within a year, please let me know what it is. I'm all over that. Seriously.

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