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Old 09-02-2005, 09:29 PM
Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus is offline
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Default Poor people = worthless?

As this drama of the hurricane catastrophe unfolds on TV, my beliefs about the relationship between our government and poor people are being confirmed and solidified. In short, the leaders of governments HATE the poor people in our country. It's a recurring theme in history - poor people are a pain in the ass to any economy. The book The 48 Laws of Power talks about this - leaders just despise their poor. This is why it's the young and poor that are sent to war - it's generally the poor who don't go to college and consequently go looking for jobs in the military. They need something to fulfill that void, and if they can't afford college, then the military is perfect for a lot of them. <$30,000 a year is good enough for them, and good enough for our government. Following that train of thought, why do you think we use our troops like pawns in a chess game? The answer - war is the only thing that poor people are good for, to the government at least.

Watch the news and watch the funding from our government to hurricane support decrease as our funding for the war increases. Both examples result in more dead poor people. "The best way to deal with them is get rid of them!" Bullshit, eh? Yeah, my thoughts as well. Did you know that over 60 countries have offered aid for this catastrophe, and NOT ONE offer has been accepted by Bush yet. Can you think of any logical reason why? He wants the poor in New Orleans to suffer. Pure and simple. It may sound ruthless, but if you know anything about history and power in government, it should be 100% plain as day to you. Do some research into the history of the poor if you doubt. Peace.
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