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Old 09-02-2005, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: The Irony of Being Vegetarian For \"Moral\" Reasons and Dogs

Don't believe we are designed to eat meat?

[/ QUOTE ]

First, I eat meat, so I'm not a vegenazi.

But, your "analysis" misses the mark, in my opinion. I personally DO have moral questions about eating meat (even though I still do) that have nothing to do with whether I am evolved to be a meat-eater or not. Your "it's natural" argument fails to account for (as an example) a McDonald's cattle yard where 100,000 cattle are crammed together head-to-ass in their own [censored] and stuffed with grain all to be slaughtered and fill buns. Or veal houses where calves are born, chained to a dog-house-like hut so they can't walk and toughen their meat up, and spend their short life chained in a box, alone, and presumably miserable. These are but two examples where my issue isn't whether eating meat is natural, its how as an industrialized society we have developed the process. There is little "natural" about it.
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