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Old 09-02-2005, 12:31 PM
Alobar Alobar is offline
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Location: Tempe, AZ
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Default Re: New Orleans: What an embarassment

I just think its kind of dumb that on 9/11 most of america holds hands and sings "we are the people" but when something like this happens, which could very well be looked at as a worse disaster as a whole, everybody could care less about each other. Granted 9/11 was a different kind of feeling, but as far as disaster goes, i feel this is much more catestrophic.

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Get enough poverty stricken people together, take away there homes, food, water and the few belongings they have and people get desperate, it generally isn't something you can blame on the residents, they are fighting for their lives here.

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oh please, they arent fighting for their lives here, they are looting clohtes and TVs and other dumb [censored]. While I completely agree that there are psychological procceses at work here, lets not take it so far as to say that normal common good sense and some morals cant overcome these impulses.

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Please do us a favor. Live outside in 90 degree heat, covered in mud and crap with no water, food or clothes for 5 days and then tell us how these people are just whiners.

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Did I say anyone was a whiner? I said people who are stealing clothes and TVs and dumb [censored], shouldnt be able to use the cop out of being poor and losing what little belongings they have to justify stealing.

So if I go live outside in the heat for 5 days can I go to my local walmart and start taking DVD players? sweet...
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