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Old 09-02-2005, 01:40 AM
blatz blatz is offline
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Default Re: Evacuees being turned away from Houston\'s Astrodome

I don't know what phase in dealing with a tragedy rage and blame comes in,, but for me it has arrived. I'm sitting here helplessly far away having escaped, watching the situation spin out of control, and have one question; If this hurricane hit San Diego, would the response to people begging for water after 3 days at the Convention Center, a spot that the rescued were sent be "Oh, we didn't know people were there, just sit tight, help is on the way, but dont try stealing juice in the meantime, or we'll shoot you"

We made jokes the next day, before it became apparent that the situation would get worse not better, that the only Democratic pocket in the Deep South would be gladly ignored by our nations leaders. The lack of response, since then, beyond platitudes, is sickening, and I pray that Venezuela, or some rich guy, breeches airspace and delivers some water to our dying countrymen.

We are supposed to be America, a country that can kick ass and take care of business. When it comes out that the amount of people who died post hurricane dwarves the amount who died during it, I hope we take a serious look at ourselves.
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