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Old 09-01-2005, 12:45 PM
GrunchCan GrunchCan is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Jundland Wastes
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Default Re: Overthinking Micro Stakes?

Not to respond to myself, but...

The 'skill' that they need to develop is the ability to adjust thier strategy based on the specific opponents' tendancies. People who complain that they can't beat the micro levels and move up becasue 'they will respect my raises' or some such idea will still not be able to adjust thier strategies for specific opponents. They just keep employing the same lines over and over. Those lines might work on average (or they might not). But overall our rigid Hero is an unadapting, sub-optimal player who didn't master a basic skill when it was cheap to do so: reading and adjusting to the opponent. They will eventually run in to opponents who are much better than they are at adapting, and Hero will never move beyond that level.

The reason why the fancy plays aren't working is becasue they are the wrong strategy to employ against the particular people the OP is trying them against. As long as you are trying to force these lines against people whose tendancies will defeat your lines overall, you are not adapting to the player correctly.

Start working on mastering this skill now. It will take your whole life if you work at it. If you don't, you'll hit a glass ceiling before long and never break through.
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