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Old 09-01-2005, 12:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: K9s on the button

I am "grunching".

As to the preflop limp, I think it depends STRONGLY on the limpers. While I play alot of trash on the button, it's strongly based on the limpers. Against unknowns, I muck quite a few hands that I would play against people I know very well. None the less, K9s against 4 random limpers is playable, so I can't really fault you there.

You're getting 10:1 on the turn, with top pair and the flush draw, and you wouldn't mind knocking out the SB if he's got AQ or QJ, and 10-10 or J-J are leaving no matter what you do. Removing AJ would be good as well.

Also, I am not that convinced you are behind, and you are in position to take a free showdown, which I recommend, given that you are vastly overstating your hand values.
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