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Old 09-01-2005, 02:24 AM
Jman28 Jman28 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 234
Default STTF-HUC.... Free $50 Challenge

This challenge is open to both those going to Vegas and those not going. It is not open to anyone who has met me in person. I will award $50 to the winner.

I've always wondered what some of you guys are like in real life... so...

To enter, reply in this thread with a description of what you think I'm like in real life. Anything from physical appearence to personality traits, to voice, quirks, or whatever.

After Vegas, myself and some of those who meet me will decide who's description was closest to the truth, and that person will get $50 from me.

Details are a plus if they are anywhere close. Saying "You're like, a guy. medium build. ugly," will not get you maximum points, even if all of those things are true.

Let me know if there are any questions... Contest ends at midnight EST on THURSDAY (the 1st), but feel free to guess after then.. just no prize money for you. A winner will be crowned by the 10th of September. Let the games begin.

Oh.. P.S. - There is nothing you will say here that will offend me. Don't sugar coat these guesses. Play to win.
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