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Old 08-31-2005, 10:13 PM
Matt Williams Matt Williams is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 82
Default Re: NASA Photos of Katrina Damage

Actually, I was being conservative w/ the 5,000. Galvaston had 6,000 die from the storm surge. Honestly, I think it will be in the 10 to 15,000 range. FEMA has been saying for years that in a best case scenario, 40,000 would die in NO alone if a Cat. 4 or 5 hit the city. CNN is already reporting that computer models are showing that up to 100,000 may have been killed when all is said and done. This disaster is beyond the scope any of us have seen in the US. Each day the news gets worse and worse, and most don't see or understand the gravity of it. Think about it; in less than 24 hours the 35th largest city in the US was rendered inhabitable. Nothing like that has ever been seen in modern times.
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