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Old 08-31-2005, 04:54 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Any Albuquerque folks playing this Labor Day wknd?

I live in Albuquerque but I probably won't make it to Sandia. I used to play there alot (years ago) but with online poker I don't get over there very much (hardly ever). My wife is out of town for a few weeks as I had some time to kill so I was thinking about going over there to play in Tuesday's NL Hold'em tourny. Then I thought of the 20 minute rounds and how much more of a crap shoot it becomes in a B&M casino and decided to pass. I guess the Labor Day tourney will probably have 30 minute rounds and I realize that Sandia has shuffling machines now. Still its so many fewer hands than online for the same period I'll probably end up passing as usual. Best of luck in the tournys this weekend though.
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