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Old 08-31-2005, 04:16 PM
Patrick del Poker Grande Patrick del Poker Grande is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 8
Default Re: OOT I need your help


his background, and watch as he reboots constantly.

It'll probably take him a half-hour before he realizes that
a) he almost certainly doesn't even have Netscape on his computer and
b) that gif is from Win 95.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is good. In the summer of 2000, I had an internship at an engineering software development company. The whole office was set up on a unix network. We all had fun pranking each other. We would develop scripts that would pop up a picture on the person's screen and start blaring whatever audio file we wanted... by the end of the summer, we had figured out how to control the volume and lock the person completely out of the computer for however long we wanted so they couldn't just get rid of it real quick. 'Twas lots of fun with various Backstreet Boys material, as well as a picture of a rather large intern who showed up to work on Halloween as a baby in nothing but a diaper to the tune of "I'm Too Sexy".
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