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Old 08-31-2005, 02:43 PM
johnc johnc is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 77
Default Re: Shoot Them........

Martial law and shooting looters after huricanes use to be SOP(standard operating procedures). As a teenager I would watch the news coverage of hurricane damage and the policy of shooting looters was common place.

I'm not sure why the current state govenors are not doing so.

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Sorry, but I cant see shooting someone on sight because they lifted a ******* TV or a can of green beans. My guess it that the governor isnt having this done because he realizes how stupid it is.

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The Governor is a woman.

Furthermore, I don't think it's stupid. Looting is one of the lowest things anyone can do. It's on the level of child molestation in my book.

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Are we destined to repeat the mistakes that should have learned from the LA riots where store owners posted gunmen on top of their buildings to protect their property? It created so much more potentially dangerous situations as well as creating long lasting community tensions than the property was worth. Besides, this isn't a third world country where anarchy rules

I'm all for protecting one's safety (I won't hesitate to use any force neccessary to protect myself or my family) but IMO, one life (yes, even a scuzbag opportunist) is worth a hell of alot more than a truckload of TVs or greenbeans.
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