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Old 08-31-2005, 12:26 AM
Python49 Python49 is offline
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Posts: 401
Default So how would you cash out money from eurobet in this situation?

When I got eurobet it was for rakeback and they do not have IGM pay obviously. The state in which I live does not allow neteller. So to get money into the account I transferred the money to my affiliate on paypal and he put that amount in my poker account. This transfer has a 2.9% fee attached to it from pay pal. Eurobet was supposed to be getting firepay soon but it's been a while now and they don't have it. So now my bankroll on eurobe thas been growing and I want to cash out like 8,000 but the 2.9% fee with that would suck.

I was thinking about dumping it to a friends empire poker account at the tables but my worries are that empire poker would freeze the account during the transfer to my empire account or freezing it when I cash out. The reason I worry about this is because in the past when ive had friends transfer money to my account and I cash it out (something small) to give to them, party poker has called me and said I cannot do this. Anyone have experience with dumping to another account and cashing it out? I don't really know what to do.. and im tired of waiting for fire pay. I might have to just bite the bullet and take the paypal fee.
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