Thread: Fear of success
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Old 08-30-2005, 03:26 PM
davet davet is offline
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Default Re: Fear of success

I have a theory about this condition. And, yes it is very common. One, is that success creates several problems for an individual. They seem afraid of losing their circle of friends. Even though they all tend to be unsuccesful people.
It is just like the situation where a fat person goes on a diet, exercises, loses weight, and all of his/ her fat friends stop answering the phone when s/he calls.

I believe that succesful people are frightening to most people. They see their boss at work, and how s/he behaves, and doesn't want that for themselves.

Unsuccessful people are addicted to the struggle of going up, it is where all the fun is. Once there, they fear having nothing to wake up for, they always ask "what's next," even though they aren't there yet.

Also, failure is such a dynamic feeling. Every person wants compassion, it feels a lot closer to love than adulation.

If you grew up in a smaller town, where you were taught to be "normal," then there is an ingrained prejudice against success. You grew up seeing all the anger unsuccessful people had, and you don't want that anger directed at you.

Some people thwart success because they don't feel more deserving than the homeless, laborers, and welfare recipients.

Going back to the boss thing. Many bosses seem inhuman, treating employees like toilets. They feel that rich people have no value of human life. Unsuccessful people are too idealistic, and want all the world to lift with them.

So that's my own analyst. I had, and still do fight with these demons, but the more you simply move on, the easier it all gets. Eventually the truth of life breaks down into simpler pieces, and makes winning at poker, and life, a lot easier.
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