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Old 08-30-2005, 12:05 PM
bookie socks bookie socks is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 61
Default Re: \"Fair Tax\"-a better alternative than \"Flat Tax\"

THAT IS NOT A REWARD OF LIFE, THAT IS A REWARD OF HARD WORK AND ACHIEVING SOMETHING MORE THAN JUST WANTING TO GET BY. The poor are not rewarded because they chose to be lazy or party and just accecept getting by.

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I apologize. I didn't intend to offend anyone. Your characterization of people who are well off is insulting their hard work. Like they just got lucky and won the game of life. Some people have got rich because of the lottery and such. But for the most part those folks busted their buttts and sacraficed to get where they are. Now to take that money from them and just give it to the "less fortunate" is unfair.

Your characterization of poor people is so despicable it hardly even warrants a response, but I do need to defend the honor of my grandmother. My grandfather died when he was 35, leaving my grandmother (who was a carrer homemaker with no job skills)

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You just verified my characterization. No job skills. Never worked. Just stay home and make babies.

to raise 4 children between the ages of 2 and 10. She did not have the luxury or finances to take time off for job training or go to school to get a degree. She instead worked two jobs, one as a receptionist in a DR office and another cleaning offices, and unfortunately neither one had retirement programs for her.

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Why depend on an employer for retirement? Why didn't she do her own investing? With the Fairtax she would have had more money to invest and the proceeds from those investments would not be taxed.


She is now 82 and has a variety of medical conditions, the only income/assitance she has is social security, medicare, and an additional monthly stiped from her son-in-law (my dad), which by the way, takes away from HIS ability to save for his own retirement.

For you to characterize her and those like her as someone who is lazy or "just wanted to get by" is down right insulting. I guess I can see the intelligence factor of those supporting this movement now.

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In other words. She didn't take the time to further educate herself when she was young, instead of getting a job she decided to stay home and have more kids than she could afford, her husband didn't put any money into life insurance, she didn't save any money for retirement. And now money is being taken or has been taken from those that furthered their education, got their job skills, had children when they could afford it, have life insurance and have saved for their retirement to give to her.
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