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Old 08-30-2005, 11:36 AM
Dave G. Dave G. is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 616
Default Re: Freakiest Ouija Board Stories

I have a really freaky one.

I was in 6th grade (11 years old) at a daycare centre one afternoon after school. A couple of kids there had this idea about a oujia board and spirits and such. So we decided to try it out for fun, cause we were kewl kids.

They got a piece of paper, and wrote letters, numbers, yes/no, and other stuff on the board in a circular fashion - a typical ouija board layout I guess, I'd never seen one. Then we went up the back of the yard behind one of the buildings in the daycare centre where noone could find us and sat on a concrete path.

We put the paper on the ground and got a 5 cent coin out. We all put our fingers on the coin, and one of the girls asked a question: "Is anyone there?" I wasn't sure what to expect, just that it was something different to do.

Well, the damn coin started moving, with all our fingers touching it. The answer was yes. So she asked who was there, and the coin started moving around the board to various letters and spelled out a name, Mary. I forget the last name, but that was spelled out too.

It would have been too easy to tell if someone were pushing it, because the letters were arranged in a circular fashion. One could push the coin one way, but they certainly couldn't pull it back without repositioning their finger on the coin (which was very small and already had our fingers touching it).

It was stunning, and amazing... but at that moment, a kid who had disabilities came up and found out where we were and watched us for a bit. We didn't care, but then the daycare centre operators found us. She freaked out!

This was a religious daycare centre and so you can imagine that she wasn't impressed with our shenanigans! Anyway we got in trouble. We went inside the building and the disabled kid started making his own ouija boards and we got in more trouble for setting a bad example.

I sat down with some other kids and watched a video on TV that was playing. Once I sat down I felt absolutely terrified. I was shaking and I didn't know why, but I was very, very scared. Probably one of the times I'd been most scared in my whole life. I didn't even know why. It wasn't from being in trouble from the daycare centre lady or my parents. It was just an unshakable feeling of terror. Extremely frightening and I remember it quite vividly to this day.

It really makes you wonder....
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