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Old 08-30-2005, 11:25 AM
SheridanCat SheridanCat is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Chicago
Posts: 86
Default Re: Growing Pains? my bankroll is suffering

In fact, it's not uncommon to have bad sessions and poor play after reading about new concepts. The problem is that you're often trying to implement those new concepts without really understanding how they should be implemented. Thus, you play incorrectly. But after you've tried them out awhile, they will sink in and you'll know how to use them properly.

Of course, simple variance can be at play also.

As for when to stop, you should stop when you're done playing. That is, if the game is good, keep playing as long as you want to. If the game is bad, for some reason, then stop playing no matter how stuck you are.

There is nothing wrong with stopping when you're way up - even if the game is good - if booking a big win will give you a psychological boost. Certainly you may win more money if you stay, but the confidence you gain may make you more money later. As for a stop loss, this is also a psychological issue. I don't set one if the game is good; if I'm feeling fine and the game is good, I reload and continue. If the game is bad, you shouldn't be in it no matter how you're doing.


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