Thread: Is this dumb?
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Old 08-27-2003, 12:02 PM
jon_1van jon_1van is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Silver Spring MD
Posts: 53
Default Re: Is this dumb?

Thank You for your responses.

I don't want this post to come off as a "poor me" post. I am relatively new and I know that you have to try to mix it up short handed and short stacked. I also know that this seems to be the most unpredicatable part of the tourney and any additional finese' (spelling ??) could potentially show good rewards. So, again, if anyone thinks position effects this please let me know. If you know position has nothing to do with that helps too.

Does anyone think it would have been terrible to limp and fold to substantial reraise (giving you the chance to dump an easily dominated KQ). Doing this risks allowing the blinds in.

I'm very torn between knowing I need to be raising/stealing, and trying to not overplay hands that are easy to dominate.
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