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Old 08-28-2005, 10:59 PM
fluxrad fluxrad is offline
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Default Re: hurricane media hype

Here's the thing. The US mainland has only been hit by three previous category 5 storms, all of them being disastrous to the affected communities.

Now combine this with the fact that New Orleans sits 15-20 feet below sea level and is protected solely by levies and you begin to see why they're making a big deal about this. Worst case, the majority of New Orleans is left uninhabitable for the next month. Best case, the eye veers off course or the storm dies as soon as it hits land and the city only sees minor damages and flooding. It is highly unlikely that the later is going to be the case. Read the NOAA hurricane advisories and you'll see why.

Oh - and everyone should remember to fill their tanks. By noon tomorrow, I'm betting gas costs at least $.25 more.
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