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Old 08-28-2005, 06:48 PM
pokergrader pokergrader is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 210
Default Re: Limit or No Limit Tournaments as a diet??

Well I've always been a limit cash player, so when I went to tournaments, I started off at limit.

Party has a $4k guarantee at 6am EST that I have played in about 10 times. In those 10 times I've cashed 5 times with 2 FTs. The competition is pretty horrible, and for some unknown reason when people join a limit tourney and think it is NL, their goal becomes to lose as quickly as possible.

Now compare to this my NL MTT record, in which I've probably played about 30-40 with only a few cashes and no FTs, I would say that im a better limit player.

Clearly the big money is in NL tourneys, and I've been working on becoming a better NL player, but if you play limit cash games, it is going to translate pretty well into the limit tournaments. There are also going to be smaller fields and weaker competition (most of the people will be in it by accident).

A few things are going to change from normal limit games, as reading your opponents becomes incredibly important in the later stages, where the stakes are so high it becomes a massive crapshoot. There also is going to be more luck and less skill than in NL tourneys, but for a good beginner this probably helps you, since you will still keep your advantage over bad beginners but gigabet and JJ wont be able to beat you down too much.
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