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Old 08-28-2005, 09:59 AM
craig r craig r is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: san diego
Posts: 84
Default Re: \"God Hates Fags\"

Your posturing is awfully useful and productive.

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It was not posturing.

My point was that your appeal to the amendments of the Constitution are no more valid than my apeal to human nature.

Talk about posturing.


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I'm not appealing to anything. Your proposed action is either criminal or ridiculously pompous, your choice.

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I am one of the most passive people you would ever meet, but these guys should have more class than to go to a funeral and say this when he has a mom, dad, etc... crying over their loss. Once again, imagine if I went to a U.S. soldiers funeral and started demonizing him. I would get my ass kicked (I am not saying it is right) and everybody would think I deserve it. But who knows, maybe it is like Nietzsche said, "Let the dead bury their own dead".

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