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Old 08-27-2005, 08:11 PM
DiceyPlay DiceyPlay is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 98
Default Re: Crushing live 2/4 tables

This is probably good advice. But there might be reasons you can't beat the 2/4 other than less then optimal play.

What is the rake structure like? If they're taking a drop each and every hand. This can make it next to impossible to beat the game in my opinion. Be selective with the posters you listen to in this respect. There are so many people playing poker, there are certainly some who buck the odds. Don't expect to be one of the lucky ones.

Also, do you know why you're losing? Saying the players are too loose and always suckout is not thorough enough reasoning. Do you move to another table when you believe you don't have an advantage at your current table? Do you think about the hands you win and lose and think about whether you could have played them differently to win more or lose less? Do you use position to your advantage? Do you make other players at the table your unwitting accomplice by leveraging their aggression? Are you leaving money on the table with the hands you win?

These are all questions I ask myself all the time.

-DP (another losing low limit player)
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