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Old 08-27-2005, 06:58 PM
thirddan thirddan is offline
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Default Re: 15/30 Bellagio 88

im gonna go with those that say fold the turn...

the only reasonable possibilities for button on the flop are Qx/65/78/47/34 (depending how loose he is)

on the turn most people that raised the flop on a draw are taking a free card so we can throw out 78/47, and 43 his a straight...

by the river the only hand you beat is a very aggressively played OESD and 65, since you didn't say he is an aggressive player that bluffs, i think you are gonna be looking at a Q a large amount of the time, and i think you have just about 0 fold equity from a hand that is better than yours...
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