Thread: Rugby
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Old 08-27-2005, 03:54 PM
MrTrik MrTrik is offline
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Default Re: Rugby

I forgot to adress the black eye part of the question.

In rugby everyone on the field gets banged up a great deal. Playing in pain is one of the most valuable abilities any rugger can have. Expect to bump heads, head to knee, deep quad bruises, and occasional blood. I had an issue with sub-dural hematomas on my shins and routinely had to have them drained. The game is so fun it's easy to forget about a cut or bruise here and there during a competition. The real pain comes the next morning after the games are over and your team 'won' the party which usually comprises way over-indulging in beer, gin, or whatever your taste dictates.

The hardest part of the aches and pains is rugby is usually a full weekend event. With games on Saturday, party that night, games on Sunday, and party that night. Sundays are the much more painful days. I'm not sure if your league will do it like we did, but we always played 4 team (or more) weekend tourneys either at our own pitch or on the road a various college towns or just towns with a club.
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