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Old 08-26-2005, 08:23 PM
vetman81 vetman81 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 198
Default Re: Should I Put My Cat Down?

Well, it is a bit different if it is poop rather than pee, but I still have a suggestion. A good rule of thumb for litterboxes is cats + 1. You have two cats, so you should have 3 litterboxes around the house. If you dont, you might add another one or two and see if that makes a difference. Definitely give this a try before you decide to put her down and see if it helps.

If she is upset about the recent schedule change, she may eventually get used to only going out at night and adjust. Of course, that may not even be related, but it could be.

Also, since she had her teeth cleaned recently, she probably had some bloodwork done, so she is probably ok in that respect. HTH.
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