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Old 08-26-2005, 04:13 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: What happened to the days when....

Ha Ha. That's funny. It was more like some governor took part in the scam, then got elected President. I was barely alive when watergate happened.

No seriously. Whitewater was the thing. I'll tell you I lost all faith our political system. I realized it was no longer there (or maybe never was) to serve the interests of the country. Those involved, the political class, if you will were running it simply for their own greed. It was being treated like it was there for their own ends, not to serve the greater needs of the country.

One side said "look, theres a President who's a theif." The other side said "you're just mad because you lost the election, we better circle the wagons, never mind the truth." The other side said "we'll prosecute" other side "oh yeah, well we'll obstruct, and the people you do get will just be pardoned by the President at the end of his term."

Law didn't matter, truth didn't matter. Everyone involved protected themselves and each other and every body else got screwed.

The political class in this country, both on the left side and the right are driving it straight into the dirt. I voted for Bush because I thought Kerry was a sleaze and Bush was the lesser of two evils. I understood that Bush sold me out on immigration and sold me out on the medicare drug laws (spoken kick backs to drug makers at my expense) and was aware that he would probably sell me out again by giving subsidies to the oil industry for continuing to gouge me on gas (this has happened). No one looks out for me or you or anyone else who participates in the economy and pays their taxes. It makes me sick. It makes me not want to play. But it's the only game going. What a conundrum.

Rant over.

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