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Old 08-26-2005, 02:31 PM
pokerrookie pokerrookie is offline
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Default Re: Poker Club for Charity on Campus (X-Post)


I've been talking with a few classmates of mine and we recently had a discussion about contributing a portion of our monthly winnings to a charity of some sort. The 3-4 of us who talked about this are all fairly successful players ranging from 5/10-30/60. Everyone seems in favor of doing something to give back, so we've been developing a possible student group on campus to expand this idea.

Basically, we would get 5-6 experienced players to teach beginners how to play poker. We would meet 1-2 times a week, spend about 1 hour teaching some new poker concept, then break down into tables to play some cheap .25/.5 limit games and help give people experience. We would flip over cards after every hand and help evaluate the way people played. In return for our services, we would require that they give us 15% of their monthly winnings to donate to charity. Every month we would take a vote among all who donated about which charity to give to. All teachers would also donate the appropriate 15% each month.

Now this idea is still very much in the developmental stages, but I really think it could work. We will be creating an official student group to do this and will be at the start-of-year club fair where we expect to get a solid sign up list of 100-150 people. If we can keep even 10 of those players as regular contributors, then this club can be veyr successful.

What I'm looking for is any advice from people who have started similar clubs, pitfalls to watch out for, or something creative that can make the club even better. Also, perhaps I can inspire someone else to consider this concept on their campus, or to at least contribute some of their own profits to a worthy cause.

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I doubt that a club that sponsors illegal activities is going to fly at most Universities. Thus, make sure that online gambling is legal in your state. While there are several poker clubs at colleges nationwide, that is because these games do not involve the house taking a rake. It is typically a group of guys that get together to have games, which are of course, legal in virtually all states. Just my two cents.

Otherwise, it sounds like a cool idea. BTW, what university?