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Old 08-26-2005, 01:34 PM
MrDannimal MrDannimal is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 385
Default Re: I\'ve stopped stacking neatly

I'm with you. I've taken to stacking them in a circular "staircase" pattern, with a small stack in front, then each stack clockwise (as I look down at it) is 5 chips higher. The stack in the middle of the circle is the tallest, and I play from that stack (so I don't screw up the +5 heights around the circle).

If I take a bad beat, I tend to re-stack the chips (make a castle, or whatever) so I'm not focused on the beat.

One time, a guy looks at me and asks "You've got what, $650 there?" (why he cared, I dunno. Limit. Maybe trying to figure out if I was up to decide how good I was or something). I told him I honestly had no idea, but then my inner OCD child had to know so I counted it down. He was within $20. Jerk.
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