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Old 08-26-2005, 09:19 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The cadillac is now LISTED for $4995 at the dealership

Who wants to wipe their ass with money? Its not soft or absorbant and its too small.

I honestly have to say that your story is so stupefying that I honestly have trouble believing it. I'm not at all suggesting you are making it up, its just that it borders on the realm of fiction....bad fiction where the characters are given traits that are not believeable.

What I am trying to say is that only a person of subhuman intellingence could possibly give up a car for $500 when the value is around $3000-4000 dollars.

Perhaps it is your poker playing that explains why this makes you so angry. You sit and play for hours and hours, pushing the edges of profitability to make money, and here this guy throws out thousands of dollars.

Just as an experiment, think, based on your BB/100, how many hands would you have to play to make that much money?

I think that might explain why this makes you so angry...that and the fact that this guy is to stupid as Fran Drescher is to subtle.
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