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Old 08-26-2005, 04:23 AM
kiddo kiddo is offline
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden, Europe
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Default Re: WtSD% & W$SD% questions

Don't rely or take too much stock in stats. If you are playing well & making good decisions that is all that is important. Tight, aggressive play can yield a wide variety of stats. The important thing is review your play and make sure you are playing well & making the correct decisions time and again.

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When I play my normal game I never ever make a decision that I dont think is correct. But of course I do a lot of misstakes.

Some of them are individual "bad play" misstakes, that is, misstakes in a hand that I later can analyze and see is a clear misstake. These misstakes are not easy to spot in your stats and u will find them if u just - as u say - "review your game".

But I also make a lot of what I would like to call habitual misstakes. Misstakes that I do every time a certain situation happens (not defending SB enough, slowplay on flop to much). Since I dont even know these misstakes are misstakes (then I wouldnt do them) there is no easy way to change them. Some of these misstakes are seen when you look at your own stats and compare with others.

You really should rely a lot on your own and others stats. They are excact pictures of how we have played up until now.
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