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Old 08-26-2005, 04:18 AM
lacky lacky is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 13
Default Re: Has college really changed that much?

that would have been a nice experience, mine was working 25 to 40 hours a week at a "good" job making about 3 times minimum wage, with a wife I didnt much care for and a kid I would gladly die for. I finished because I was stuborn. I always saw myself as a collage grad, so i finished.

I didnt even read the "make me stay in collage" thread. WTF do I care. I aint his dad. My opinion has always been, do whatever the hell ya want. The collages have been there for 100+ years. They aint going anywhere. As long as your not a complete idiot with the money you make, if your more interested in playing poker, play. When your sick of it (A point most people less simple minded than myself reach pretty quick) go back to school. Nobody really cares. Well, I'm sure parents do, but I don't.


(ps been drinking some, sorry if im making an ass of myself, but thats life)
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